Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Living Free Online Bible Study

Living Free Fall Online Bible Study | Sign Up

I know friends, it's not like you don't have enough to do.  But if the only Bible Study time you have is 11:00 at night in your pj's; here is one for you.  I copied this from the web site(at the bottom) Be sure to sign up there and not on my blog.  It is on prayer and it's good stuff.  
Welcome! We’d love to have you join us for Living Free: Learning to Pray God’s Word by Beth Moore as an online study this fall. Beginning September 17 and each Thursday for seven weeks, we’ll meet back here at the LifeWay Women blog to discuss Living Free together.
Ready to replace false strongholds with true freedom in Christ? As you learn to pray Scripture with Living Free, you’ll realize the life God desires for you. Author Beth Moore explores the somewhat radical idea that we cannot please God by being perfect. The study begins by defining false strongholds, then focuses on five key benefits for every believer:
  1. Know God and believe Him
  2. Glorify God
  3. Find satisfaction in God
  4. Experience God’s peace
  5. Enjoy God 
With Living Free participants can learn how to develop a Godward focus in life, while beginning to incorporate the key benefits in their lives through practices of prayer and Bible study.
Here’s how the online study will work:
  • Fill out the form below so we can know who is in the study and notify you via email when it’s time to “meet” each week.
  • Purchase a copy of the Living Free Bible Study Book* here or in your local LifeWay Store. You can get an ebook version here. For those overseas, we recommend the ebook! Living Free, or Viva Libre is also available in Spanish.** We’d love to have you participate if you’re more comfortable speaking in Spanish, too!
  • Return to the blog each week to watch a video of Beth we’ve put together just for this study!
  • Participate by answering questions in the comments of this blog.
We’d love for you to gather a group from your church, your neighborhood, your school, or your workplace to do the study together. We believe that Bible study is more effective (and more fun!) in community. If you cannot find a group in your area, that’s OK! Join us here and answer the questions in the comments. You’ll still get a lot out of it, and you just might make some new friends!
This online Bible study is not meant to replace the Bible study your church may already do in the fall semester. We want you to study with your local group of believers first! If your group decides to do Living Free as their study, we think the online dynamic will be a fun addition for your group. But if your group is already committed to doing another study, you can come back and do Living Free with us at anytime—the videos and study posts will be live indefinitely.
Living Free has recently been through a makeover! We absolutely love the new look, but if you have an older version, that’s OK! The content is the same, so you’ll be able to follow along with either copy.
** Este estudio de 6 semanas, combina algunos conceptos clave expuestos en ¡Sea Libre! con algunas prácticas de oración. Viva libre, ofrece una mirada más profunda a la libertad cristiana, al mismo tiempo que identifica cinco beneficios clave de la libertad que Dios desea para cada creyente. Los participantes aprenderán cómo hacer de la oración una conversación con Dios, al usar las palabras de las Escrituras. Como sucede con todos los estudios de Beth Moore, los lectores terminarán con una nueva comprensión de algunas verdades espirituales que les ayudaran a experimentar un cambio permanente en sus vidas. En el libro del discípulo se incluyen ayudas para el líder.

Living Free Bible Study

We’re so excited to study alongside you this fall!
If you’re participating in the study, feel free to download this share square to use on your blog, instagram, twitter, pinterest, etc., to encourage your friends to join you! Remember to provide a link to this post so they can sign up, too. Here’s a short version you can copy and paste:

Love in Him,

Thursday, February 5, 2015


              I just celebrated my 67th birthday.  We went to Johnny Cace's in Longview Tx.
 They are closing down after 66 yrs in business.  Up until about 10 years ago we celebrated almost every wedding anniversary there.  So when I heard they would be shutting the doors in March; I decided why not one last celebration there.  The interesting thing about that was that
we had to wait 2 hours to get a table.  The owner told us that if the crowds were always like this night they would not be closing!

      So what does one do while you wait 2 hrs to eat?  You talk to the people around you of course.
I was blessed to be sitting beside this 80-something sweet lady who had to tell me about her daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughter.  How they were dancers and educators and had traveled the world.  She herself was an accomplished pianist and had 3 grand pianos in her home.  Then because that only took about 15 minutes, she told me again and again and "did I tell you about my dancing daughter"? Well, you get the picture.

      When we finally were seated my sister -in- law and I then got to talk.  She asked me a question that has prompted this post. ...................."So what do you do all day now that you are retired?"

     Well, that only took about 3 sentences and she said, "Hmmm".... I began to rehash that in my mind.  What DO I do all day?  Clean, cook, study my Bible, stay  in touch with out of town (out of state)                      family.
             Some of that cooking is providing for church family in times of need, but still.....
                      .seems mighty paltry to me.
                 Now the old me would have said, "So what?"  You put in your 37 years of time, you deserve it.  But I had to go to the Lord and ask, "Is this what You want me to do?  I was peacefully reassured that I just need to stay available to Him and be obedient and feel comfortable telling and re-telling my story; just like the lady in the restaurant did.  She was proud of her family and what they had done and still do.  It was pure joy to tell a complete stranger about her life.

                                                             My question!
Would you want to tell and retell your story and what your day consists of to a complete stranger?                                            

            More than that, are you comfortable before the One Who really matters about what you spend your time doing?   If you are, then go for it!  Live it to the fullest.  If not so much...then ask Him to sit down with you for a 2-hour span and tell you what He wants your life to look like.

    Now would I have chosen to wait 2 hours to eat?  NO!  Would I have chosen to sit beside a senile little old lady with more adventures under her belt than I knew possible?  Not before that night?  Next time though, yes!

      Your point, you might ask?  It's this.  Take some time ....  yes, even 2 hours and think about how your life is and what you want it to be like when you get 80.

      As I always say.  We are building our legacy NOW!  Today is part of your history and part of that story that you will get to tell when you're  stuck in a restaurant with a younger-than-you person.  Will they want to hear about your life even once?

Love in Him,