Thursday, September 22, 2011


Charles Roberts - Pastor

Today I want to honor Bro. Charles Roberts who was my pastor for 34 years......   truly a living legacy.  He retired on August 31, 2011 and his last Sunday to preach in that capacity was Sunday Sept. 18, 2011 as we celebrated his long tenure at Denman Avenue Baptist Church.
         How do you honor such a man? He was my Pastor, is my friend, my brother and perhaps the greatest counselor outside of the Holy Spirit that I've ever had. Two words come to mind as I try to describe him: FAITHFUL and LOVING . Everything he did as our Pastor he did within the context of these two attributes.  He did not always say what I wanted to hear, but I knew they were wise words that came from his lips and would ultimately be for my good.  

      I am not so sure that my legacy thus far would look like it does if it hadn't been for this godly man in my life.  He has seen all of us through some of the roughest times: illness, sin, death, disappointments, divorce, job loss, aging.... and some of the happiest times: children born, new homes, children married, grandchildren, spiritual growth,  retirement.      
        Selfishly, I am a little anxious about not having a pastor that "knows" me and my "stuff" at this trying time of my life, but I know my God and He too is Faithful and Loving and all His Words are true.  So I will continue to serve and live as Bro. Charles taught us over the years; by being steadfast and faithful to the cause of Christ and His body at Denman Ave Baptist Church..

    THANK YOU BRO. CHARLES for all you have done and all you will continue to do in the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May all who come behind us find us faithful.

Love in Him,